Sunday, September 2, 2012


This has been a busy month in first grade!

In spelling, we've been reviewing letter sounds, letter formation, and sentence dictation.

In writing, we've been learning about word order, correct capitalization, punctuation, and writing complete sentences. We have also been working on observational writing. We use ‘thinking maps’ to organize our pre-writing ideas.

In reading, we've been comparing fiction and non-fiction stories. We have also been learning about predictions and sequencing. We've been introduced to many new vocabulary words in our reading series. We wrote these new words on index cards to practice throughout the year. During weeks one and two, we read many stories about cats and compared different types of literature. This past week we have been learning about ants and using the information we learn to practice our new writing skills. We have also been learning how to label pictures.
In math, we've been learning about 'partners' (numbers that go together to equal another number). For example 7 and 2 are partners of 9 because 7+2=9.

During the month of August we had many heat advisory days! This meant we were not able to go outside to recess. We took breaks in the classroom throughout the day to give the kids a chance to relax and refocus. The kids did a great job of working hard, even though they were missing some of their outside break time.
Thanks for all the support and hard work at home!


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